Absolutely. You own 100% of your content, as well as the domain, all credentials, and everything else!
Yes, you are not under any obligation to continue service with us. We ask that you notify us 30 days in advance if you have an existing website with us, so that we can assist a smooth transition to another hosting provider.
Because we charge a minimal monthly service fee that is comparable to most online web builder service companies. We do not have a need to charge for construction of the site, making us an affordable and convenient option.
Yes. All of our websites are ‘responsive’ (a.k.a. ‘mobile friendly). It’s essential that your website function well in all applications given the fact that mobile devices now consume approximately three-quarters of web traffic in the U.S.! No matter what package you decide, your website will work well on iPhones, Androids, tablets, laptops, desktops, and everything else.
Because our development system and process is package driven, you can create multiple accounts designated for each website you will own through High Impact Web Designs. only requirement is that you use a separate email to establish each account, it is how we track and manage all of your websites.
Yes! Businesses that qualify to join our affiliate non profit organization Black Network Associates (BNA), an urban economic development organizations, can receive 50% package discount as a member of BNA.
We believe in full transparency during your building project, we provide all of your member partners a link to their sites in sandbox mode, which allows you to preview and follow the progress of the build in real-time. To see our full scope of process click here.
We currently do not offer refunds on service agreements. Because High Impact Web Designs does not bill for the first initial 30 days, members are free to cancel at anytime, which is the build cycle and also the cancellation period. By the time we reach the end of the build cycle, members should be satisfied with our work, support, and service and free to continue to work with us.
The short answer is No! You do not have to utilize a member portal, but you do have to create an account and select the Ultimate package that offers phone support. We recommend utilizing the portal to the best of your ability, as it is efficient and provides many additional perks.
High Impact Web Designs consistently provides the best work in the industry at an affordable price. From secure, mobile-friendly websites starting at only $59 to multi-faceted digital office sites with several built-in business tool for commercial enterprise, non-profits and churches.
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Toll Free: 1 844 533-7432
Local Office: 1 (810) 471-4796
3405 Creekwood Dr
Saginaw, MI. 48601