Youth Development Corporation is a non profit organization that helps youths ages 16 to 24, transitioning from foster care, incarceration, military, ex veterans and former high school dropouts reclaim their education and build a brighter future for themselves through education, job training and service.


Before High Impact Web Designs redesign. YDC was using a single landing page, was not properly being promoted, very little visibility and utilization. Because YDC works with schools, youth groups, detention centers, county jail systems and local foster care facilities. It was important YDC have a digital office that was representing in the full scope of work they do for youths in the community.


High Impact Web Designs, moved YDC to a .ORG domain free of charge, then we:

  • established a student intake form.
  • connected the registration form to their two admissions personnel within YDC.
  • Place a enrollment program directory.
  • Listing job outcomes by the bureau of labor.
  • Each career field listed to project real world incomes upon completion of skill trades.
  • Added schedule events calendar.
  • Added translation button on front of site for multi-cultural communities.
  • as YDC is expanding into 36 States including countries abroad.
  • We continued by adding a news feed.
  • Show cased articles that featured works in the community by YDC.

Since the redesign YDC has increased it's exposure and visibility by 100%, the number of new students submitted and enrollments increased dramatically and as YDC continues to expand it's operations into other states High Impact Web Designs will continue add new locations to the main site to highlight locations and activities and programs in those locations nationally.

High Impact Web Designs consistently provides the best work in the industry at an affordable price. From secure, mobile-friendly websites starting at only $59 to multi-faceted digital office sites with several built-in business tool for commercial enterprise, non-profits and churches.
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Toll Free: 1 844 533-7432
Local Office: 1 (810) 471-4796


3405 Creekwood Dr
Saginaw, MI. 48601